Usenet News HOWTO
Usenet News HOWTO Shuvam Misra (usenet at starcomsoftware dot com) Revision History Revision 2.1 2002-08-20 Revised by: sm New sections on Security and Software History, lots of o
Usenet posts
Hacking Drive Setup 1.3.x : Usenet posts Recently the following very interesting post showed up at . It explains a bit more how Drive Setup determine
IN MY KILLFILE AND OTHER USENET ODES IN MY KILLFILE (To the tune of "Under My Thumb" by Mick Jagger/Keith Richards) In my killfile Because enough is enough In my killfile The trol
Use of non-plaintext in USENET news
Use of non-plaintext in USENET news Use of non-plaintext in USENET news There is of course some debate about the use of non-plaintext in USENET news. Some feel the 80 column monos
Mib Software Usenet Rapid Knowledge Transfer
Welcome to the "Usenet RKT," the most useful starting page for learning about Usenet ! No matter how much or how little you know about Usenet, these pages will direct yo
TOP 1000 (and more) Usenet Servers
The Official TOP1000 Usenet Servers page TOP 1000 statistics (current / last month) Filtered statistics (+ graph) Previous months statistics What is the TOP 1000 ? How to particip
Usenet-fr - Le portail de la hiérarchie fr.*
Bienvenue à Usenet-fr... ...le portail de la hiérarchie francophone fr.* Navigation Bienvenue Qu'est ce que Usenet ? Gestion de Usenet-fr Informations Actualités de Usenet-fr
yEnc - Efficient encoding for Usenet and eMail
yEncoder/yDecoder for Usenet What is yEnc ? Genera l FAQ Tools Developers Opponents Contact The efficient and CRC protected binary encoding for Usenet messages - public domain - n
BlueWorld Hosting Public Usenet Archive
Usenet/NNTP Archive and Peering Services Offering Free Access to over 20 Years of Usenet Text Retention and Historical Content Archival Status:- Big8 (comp.*, humanities.*, misc.*
Usenet creator Jim Ellis dies
PM ET Usenet creator Jim Ellis dies HARMONY, Pa. (AP) — Jim Ellis, who helped create the information-sharing electronic bulletin boards that predated the World Wide Web,
Usenet creator Jim Ellis dies HARMONY, Pa. (AP) — Jim Ellis, who helped create the information-sharing electronic bulletin boards that predated the World Wide Web, has died. H
The 'eet' Nuisance Has Many Proxies/Indentities
if you keep an eye on USENET, you probably know which people I'm referring to). ← One Year Later: ”Novell: From hero to zero in sixty seconds...” | Quick Mention: Don Marti on the
The trolling attempts in this Web site becomes more suspicious as the days go by
Hypercosm and Web 3D
asseen in thispost to Usenet. Interestingly, in that post they said, "Microcosm was inspired by the type of programming which was encouraged by thedays of programming in interpret
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