
Directory Listing of /texts/sex/


Oct 1 2012 4:53 PM artofsex.hum HUM File 6.3 KB Oct 1 2012 4:53 PM artosex2.hum HUM File 4.8 KB Oct 1 2012 4:53 PM asiaa_2.sty STY File 21.7 KB Oct 1 2012 4:53 PM a_friend.txt Tex
A collection of over 750,000 text files and documents on a variety of subjects. Freely available and operated by the Higher Intellect project.

Codex Alimentarius Commission - A Threat to Humankind


factors such as age, sex, contraceptive use, race, dress code, geographical location, regular blood donation, medicinal drug use, genetic mutations or biochemical individuality ca

Mormonism EXPOSED!


came to earth, and had sex with Mary, and that is how Jesus came to Earth.  They also believe that Jesus took three wives while on Earth: Mary, Martha, and Mary Magdalene.&nb
Mormonism EXPOSED!

What is the meaning of life?


gathering, and so on. Sexual selection is perhaps the most important and distinctive form of social intelligence. The need to attract and please a mate has been instrumental in sh
Animism, generalised anthropomorphism and social intelligence

ERBzine 2150: Tarzan the Ape Man with Bo Derek


little more than a mere sex object. O'Keeffe is one ofthe best-looking Tarzans ever to appear on the screen, although he haslittle opportunity to display any acting ability since

Covens of Cultists (Satanists in Organizations)


well-known actress and sexual icon. Manson, Marilyn (b 'Brian Hugh Warner', 01-05-1969) -- rock and roll superstar, Cooperphile and political controversist Nadramia, Peggy (b 'Mar

2012: End of the World or a New Beginning? (Jan 14, 2009)


the Second World, and Sex was the weapon of self-destruction of the Third.  Atlantis (and Lemuria?) were in the Third World. The current world is the world of Choice, the Hop

Visual Phenomena & Optical Illusions


2003-02.12 no sex… 2003-02-11 Stereokinetics 2002-10-21 Neon 2002-10-12 MIB 2002-10-04 interactive M-W 2002-09-22 Café Wall 2002-09-08 sigma motion 2002-08-27 equiluminance 2002-0
This huge collection of non-scary optical illusions and fascinating visual phenomena emphasizes interactive exploration, beauty, and scientific explanation.

Swear not by the wiki, the fickle wiki, the inconstant wiki


journalists and sex segregation of lobsters. Also a song about the Cub Scouts, which has lyrics written by the director and which I must assume was included as some sort of residu
Crummy. Geek stuff and humor. Since 1996.

Burning In Hell


then go help the transsexual disabled impoverished minority midget amputee orphans in order to get into Heaven. After that, the Christian individualists would go into the flames.
Post 'Burning In Hell' On Amerika.org realist conservative blog

Love and addiction


addictive effects of sex, food and drugs of abuse. Dr. Young believes the same reward pathways are likely stimulated during and following pair bond formation. "Although the proces

Canon Law Books, Articles & Reviews, Speaking & Media, etc.


persons in 'same-sex marriages' is a dereliction of episcopal responsibility. > Canon 1055. Canon 392. Canon 835.     • Peters' Blog, 23 feb 2018, here . ▪ = &n

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