
Chami.com Tips


Your own version of the Navigator Easier way to manipulate favorites on-the-spot Find out your computer's IP address Shifting Netscape 4's Java startup delay Changing your
Chami.com Tips

Разработка и опубликование документов в WWW


.0программы Netscape Navigator неспособна расшифровать PNG-файлы идля их просмотра требует установкикакой-либо внешней программы (externalviewer), в качестве которой можноиспользов



| Own | The Open World Navigator (own) worked together with 'gethttp', | | | which retrieved the online pages. In this way, it worked like | | | HV (listed above), in that it is a

Справочное руководство по HTML - часть 1


3.0 или Netscape Navigator 3.0 .Кроме того, разобраны наиболеераспространенные ошибки прииспользовании тех или иныхэлементов HTML. Авторы сочли целесообразнымвключить в данное рук

Retro Stuff - Neustadt.fr


FrontPage, Netscape Navigator, CuteFTP, Winamp, Napster and personal websites. I often get nostalgic about all that. If you do too, you might enjoy this collection of things from
I grew up with the web of the 90s and early 2000s and often get nostalgic. If you do too, you might enjoy this collection of links, tools and things from that era.

Home - ratfactor


blow up Netscape Navigator. 2000 Noodling about this this website endlessly. Slogan: "It’s what the world would be like if giant rats took over." Here’s what it looked

Tools / Utilities - Download


Basilisk, Borealis Navigator, Firefox, Interlink Mail & News, K-Meleon and Pale Moon for Windows 95, 98, 98SE, ME, NT 4.0, 2000, XP and Vista - ongoing support is available at
Download freeware and open source tools

Burn All GIFs


,including Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. I'll just use GIFs without a license, and give those patentweasels the finger! By switching your site to PNG, youenc
Don't payoutrageous Unisys royalties for obsolete GIF graphics. Burn them.

GPS Receiver Information, Software, and Hardware Reviews of Garmin, Lowrance, Magellan and other GPS Receivers


America (AUG 12) Car Navigator Day and Night Readability : Night and Day Photos (2meg file) China Trip and Yangtze River Cruise with a Garmin GPSmap 76Cx  (NOV 13) Colum
GPS Information on Garmin, Lowrance, Magellan and other CONSUMER receivers

Maximum Security -- Ch 8 -- Internet Warfare


Pine, Xnews, Netscape Navigator, INN Windows 95 Free Agent, WinVn, Smart Newsreader, Virtual Access, 32 bit News, SB Newsbot, NewsXpress, Microsoft News Windows NT Free Agent, Win

Приложение А: Форматы файлов и MIME-типы


заранее. В Netscape Navigator 3.0 для этого следует выбрать меню Options| General Preferences , а затем ввестисоответствующую информацию вдиалоговом окне в категории Helpers . [НА

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